We are working on obtaining 2019 rates but unfortunately there isn’t much current data we could find.

Recidivism Rates by State

For 2000 – 2008 Releases, from Bureau of Justice Assistance, here.

Recidivism Rates by State

Recidivism Rates by Type of Crime

Washington state’s Sentencing Guidelines Commission published a study with about 30,000 newly sentenced offenders in 2007, indicating the following recidivism rates by type of crime:

Recidivism Rates by Type of Crime

By Demographics

The same Washington state study listed the following recidivism rates by various demographic factors.

Recidivism Rates by Demographics

Recidivism Rates by Country

The following data are re-conviction rates, from Fazel S, Wolf A (2015) A Systematic Review of Criminal Recidivism Rates Worldwide: Current Difficulties and Recommendations for Best Practice. PLOS ONE.

Recidivism Rates by Country

From the same article, here are re-imprisonment rates by country:

Re-imprisonment Rates by Country